Janine Seelen
Fast, bright, clear images on screens shape our daily life. Optimized. We are always reachable. Digital first and instant gratification. Due to the Corona pandemic, we experienced that space combined with our respiratory reflex is a life-threatening combination. Lock down. We spent most of our time inside our homes and find ourselves suddenly in between things, emotions, extremes. In Between inside and out, confusion and structure, motion, and standstill – in between spaces.
Like smells and sounds, space encapsulates a feeling, a memory – non-graspable, impossible to name, but familiar. The awareness of this space and time is the focus of Seelen’s works: How do we perceive and experience space? What is in between space? Is there an in between?
The in between is described as a free space between at least two things or persons.
It functions as a playroom between a gap in a coherent or holistically whole, but it is also a temporal distance between two activities or processes.
Seelen composes an invitation to pause and feel the serenity of the momentum – a request to demand and reclaim individual space, experience free space and create a personal new space when needed. Space to move, space to live.
Since 2018 Janine Seelen manifests her observations in regard to this topic in her paintings and her poetry.
Janine Seelen spent the most important life of her career in New York City and San Francisco as a graphic artist and designer. She focuses on interdisciplinary projects in the field of interior, and lifestyle. It was always her intention to develop an emotional bond between a product or service and its target group.