Chris and Jody Vingoe
Arriving from backgrounds in industrial and graphic design Chris and Jody collaborate on coextensive series of paintings that fluctuate between the 2 and 3 dimensional, highlighting the sculptural possibilities within the medium. Working meticulously by hand with layers of acrylic paint on an intimate scale they gently steer precisely sequenced tiers of color, in turn guided by initial physical interventions to the support. An interchange of color, light, shadow, accident and intention are key elements within their practice. From the saturated hues of their Property series an exchange of pigment within a sculptural volume gradually emerges. Serif series sees paint compressed, physically embedded within the two-dimensional planes of the painting surface. A print/casting taken from canvas, made solely of mica pigments suspended in clear acrylic paint becomes a shimmering echo of the supporting framework in their Shift (of surface and support) series. Chris and Jody Vingoe live and work together in Eindhoven, The Netherlands.