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Derek Raymond

Derek Raymond’s work is largely informed by the rudimental aspects of graffiti, with an emphasis on abstracting and manipulating the unrefined qualities of both vandalism and vandalism removal processes.

Writing on the wall is a ritual as old as human existence. In modern times, vandals, wanderers, lovers, protesters, city workers, business owners and others change the color of surfaces across the urban landscape with various mediums, at various times and for various reasons — eventually, continuously and unintentionally creating deep abstract compositions hidden in plain sight.

His work is an ongoing study and abstraction of the visual exchanges and ongoing dialogues that live and evolve among us. This work is encompassed in his primary body of work titled “I WANT TO LIVE.” The most recent evolution of this body is being created with direct reference to the concepts of (meaningful) discomfort, spiritual purging/cleansing, and absolution.

Characterized by an equally ethereal and filthy quality, each painting nods to the process of erasure while subtle but striking elements and textures bring a sense of dynamism to the compositions. These paintings are tactfully made with the intention of asking viewers to embrace their impermanence and humility, and to find the perpetual cosmic opportunity for transformation and renewal.


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