
Brigitte Oberlik-Burtscher
I love writing, I love painting. The combination of these two passions, these two ways of recording my
thoughts, my feelings, my visions and my memories are - beside my travel notes and my notes about
painting - painted pictures. These paintings are on the one hand gestural, rhythmic, caligraphic and
wild, sometimes structured and neatly lined up, and on the other hand they play with color, with color
compositions, with very personal colors that appear again and again and whose message I myself do
not really know. My paintings are like notes in a diary, but in which everyone can find his own story.
Sometimes the title of a picture reflects something about the "written", sometimes it is the movement
with the brush, which is more reminiscent of writing than painting. Stories that are told always change
a little - from reader to listener, from painter to viewer. Thus they remain alive, fit into the passage of
time and can always be seen anew.